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Body Systems Booklet – Kidney

Urinary system support
Stock no 2884

What you see above is a Kidney stone that was passed by a client of mine using Hydrangea tea. If you were to open a capsule of Hydrangea or Passion Flower and dump the contents into a cup of hot water, then drink it slowly, you can melt calcium based stones. This includes calcium based stones in your Kidneys, Bladder and Gallbladder as well. This is what this lady did. She drank cup after cup of Hydrangea tea until she passed the stone.

If the stones of concern are not causing pain at the time, you could just take the capsules daily until they melt. Most find taking a capsule with each meal can do the trick. You can determine how many and how long to take the Hydrangea or Passion Flower with Muscle Testing.

Another True Kidney Stone Story

I received a phone call from a lady client that lives about a three hour drive away telling me that “labor is nothing compared to the pain I am in.” She described what sounded to me like she was passing a Kidney stone. I told her that it sounds like she should get to the hospital. She queried “Do I have to go?”

She further explained her reason for concern. Three weeks earlier a doctor wanted to remove her thirteen year old’s Appendix because she was having pain in her Gallbladder! That little lady came here and I suggested a Gallbladder cleanse. Subsequently, she passed her gallstones and the pain went away. She still has both her Gallbladder and her Appendix.

Well my client went to the hospital and based on her description of what she was feeling, they looked for Kidney stones. What did they find? Nothing! They sent her home with a prescription for pain. When she got home, having known about the Hydrangea, and having some in the house, she made tea and drank cup after cup until the pain stopped. That took her about an hour. What did she see in the toilet when she urinated? A Kidney stone the size of a pencil eraser that the doctors did not see. She picked up the stone, took it back to the hospital and gave it to the doctor that did not see anything. He asked her what it was as she told him a Kidney stone. He asked how she knew that! A week later she called the doctor and asked what he found when he sent the stone to pathology. He said it disintegrated so they could not tell what it was. What my client believes is that they disposed of it so that they would not have to admit that they missed something so obvious. They certainly would not want to put in the record that she passed that stone naturally now would they?

A True Bladder Story

 Some years ago another client told me that he had his Bladder scraped to help clean out what he was told was Bladder cancer. He further explained the process and the resulting pain and bleeding that occurred.

I used the Touch For Health Kinesiology tools and Muscle Testing to find out what he needed to heal the Bladder and support his Immune System and its’ ability to eliminate the cancer. See the Immune Body Systems booklet for more information on what the body produces to fight Cancer.

About a month after he started on his program for healing naturally he went back for another Bladder scraping that was scheduled at the time of his first one. Right after he had that procedure done he sat up and was ready to leave. No bleeding! They said they needed a urine sample. His reply? “Well go get a bottle man. I have things to do!” There was no blood in the Urine and no signs of cancer.

Remember this. Anything that happens to the body naturally can be helped naturally.

Want to learn more? Read the Body Systems Booklet – Kidney for more information.


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