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Crypto Currencies

A New Type of Digital Asset

I will say up front that A New Type of Digital Asset is new to me and I in no way claim to be an expert on the subject. This class is as much about sharing what we collectively understand about crypto currencies as it is about sharing our understanding with you. As the saga of this new type of commodity of exchange plays out, we will do what we learn to be the safest, prudent and legally correct things in this new realm.

What Information Is Real?

You can find as much negative information about crypto currencies as you can positive. Like anything else, one can find information to confirm their own beliefs going in. That being said, my belief is that when researching something that carries a load of controversies, you must look at the big picture, the motivations behind the creation and the background of the sources to be able to evaluate fact from fiction.

Why Bitcoin?

At this point, let’s look at the reason for the creation of Bitcoin, being the first one created. There are two buttons you can click on below that will get you to a great deal of information should you decide to do so. Our classes on this subject will delve into as much as we know but at the same time keep it simple. Without getting into too much detail in this introduction, suffice it to say that Bitcoin, like any other creation, was a response to a perceived need. That need can be defined as the desire to create something of integrity that could not be manipulated like the dollar is.

Crooks See Opportunities

We are currently witnessing an example of what happens when someone of ill intent gets involved in anything. Of course, I am referring to the current FTX debacle which should be understood not to be a reflection on crypto currencies or the blockchain, but rather the inappropriate actions of an individual. Ironically enough, those actions closely resemble what the current banking system does all day long. That is use their depositors money to make money through perceived prudent investments. What needs to be understood is that type of activity, though blessed by the Federal Reserve system, is one of the reasons why there is a need for cryptocurrencies.

Support Integrity

If you are interested in uncovering reason and integrity in this realm, join us for the classes where we will all learn to do what is right during this transition away from dishonest Ponzi  scheme currency.

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