Balanced Health LLC

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Learn How To Naturally Support Digestion Elimination Healthy Skin Structural Health Immune Functions Your Entire Body!

Muscle Testing Class

The Muscle Testing, or Kinesiology, class can teach you how to determine what your body needs, and doesn’t need, for optimal health.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know what you need at any given time? Or even, what is going on in your body from a health perspective? Even being able to test your child or pet is possible!

All this is true because of the connections between your muscles and organs through what is known as the Meridian System. This fact is what Kinesiology tools are based on. Take this class and learn how to make use of this marvelous tool referred to as muscle testing for your health. Become a partner in your health and not a victim of ignorance regarding what your body is trying to tell you. Your health could be improved more than you know!

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